REPORT: How Jimmy Dore expose the Progressive Movement

Gothic Zoomer
2 min readDec 23, 2020

Comedian and Political Commentor hosted “The Jimmy Dore Show” On YouTube. Recently, He’s in an internet firestorm over his #ForceTheVote came in against congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Corte. His plan is simple: He wants AOC and her fellow squad members to push a vote on Medicare for All on the house floor. To do this, they would withhold their vote for Nancy Pelosi for speaker until Nancy agrees to bring Medicare For All up for a vote. This way, we have a solid ‘Yes’ or “‘no” vote on the house. After the vote, Progressive would have a derivative list of no vote so they can be primary. While this plan is pretty simple and without any exceptions, many on the left have been critical of Jimmy as personal vendetta flares up\

Take, for example, the long-known and public feud with Majority Report host Sam Sedar and Anna Kasperin. One of Jimmy tweet’s looks directly at AOC:

Despite the beef and Drama, Many like Hill Rising co-host Krystal Ball tweets :

And Kyle Kulinski, Host of Youtube talk show “Secular Talk,” Tweets:

Case in point, the Left is in disarray, but what this debate actually reveals is one thing: the weakness of the American Left. Many progressives believe that power will be given to them if they ask nicely or wait a little longer—meanwhile, blue dogs like Kathleen Rice Threthend to withhold their vote for Nancy Pelosi unless she gets a committee assignment. The same plan Jimmy had. Progressive has no real power in government and never will. Why? Cause they do not fight against any of their bones. It’s not surprising given how easily movement leaders like Bernie Sanders fold almost immediately to help Hillary and Biden in both presidential campaigns and got nothing from it. Many progressives have criticized Bernie’s weakness…….only to support Biden themselves. In the end, If progressives want any type of power, they need to fight. No more nice guy, and no more playing ball. One must be willing to burn the village per se in order to be seen as a critical threat one has to be able to be a pain in Nancy's ass. Just how the Tea Party was so effective as Jon Baner ‘s was a living hell. At the end of the day, IF you’re not really to fight, then you will never get anything ever.

